Physician in Changanacherry- Diabetes Clinic, Geriatric Specialist

What Services We Provide?

Physician Consultation for Medical problems for adult patients

Life style disease management- Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia 

Thyroid problems

Treatment of Infections and other ailments

Chronic diseases management: follow up for patients who are suffering from multiple diseases

 Wellness Health check up

Contact us 9496 000 295

For Appointments and enquiry

Preparing for Your Appointment at Senior Citizens Clinic

1)   Book your appointment  in advance

         Booking No: 9496 000 295

2) Bring your old medical records and list of current medications.

3) Clarify your doubts regarding illness/medications with Doctor prior to leaving the clinic

4) Follow up with Lab tests as advised by Doctor

Comprehensive Care Services for Elderly Health

Geriatric physician:  Out patient Clinic for Elderly care.                  Timing: 4pm to 6pm   (Mon- Sat)

Home Health Care Service:  Geriatric Specialist Consultation for Bed ridden patients with Mobilization difficulties. .

Palliative care service: symptom-based treatment for individuals with cancer, dementia, and other terminal illnesses.

Online Tele Consultation service: Get doctor's help through Tele medicine. (For Follow up Patients only)

Diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia management

Memory clinic

About Us

Senior Citizens Clinic is a Geriatric specialist facility founded in 2020 at Morkulangara, Changanassery, Kerala, that provides complete Geriatric care.

It is led by Dr. Aswin Rajeev, who is a Geriatric Specialist passionate in caring elderly patients

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What does a Physician do to treat a disease?

Physician takes a detailed history of your ailments, identifies the problems by analysizing symptoms and diagnostic tests and treats the condition

Do you treat diseases in younger patients?

Our clinic provides Physician service to patients of all ages. We specialize in Senior care (Geriatrics), hence the name.

How do you plan for a visit with Physician?

Get your appointment in advance by contacting the clinic 

Appointment will be scheduled based on availability

Be present in clinic 10min prior to scheduled time

Bring all your medical records, doctors notes, previous lab tests and medication list (or medications box) along with you at the time of consulting doctor

List your health concerns in a sheet of paper (if you tend to forget things)

Clarify your doubts with Doctor before leaving the clinic

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