Geriatric Physician in Kerala- Online Consultation| Expert Opinion on Elder Care
Geriatrician Online Tele Consultation Service in Kerala
This service is intended for the use of elderly patients/ carers to get opinion from an Expert Geriatrician to plan medical care
A Geriatrician consultation can greatly assist families in making informed decisions for planning elderly person's care at times when patient has complicated medical conditions and there is concern about final outcome.
Patients from all over Kerala can make use of our Tele Medicine service.
Health problems for which Online Consultation can be effectively utilized
Online consultation has its limitations since doctor can't examine the patient physically and rely only on history.
But it can be utilized effectively for certain conditions like:
> Clarifying doubts regarding disease process and medication use
> To know whether a symptom is significant in a patient with underlying chronic condition
> Counseling patient/ carers
> Diabetes control: adjust medicines/ Insulin
> Care plan formulation: for an elderly patient if in doubt regarding outcome of on going treatment
Comprehensive Care Services for Elderly Health
Geriatric physician: Out patient Clinic for Elderly care
Timing: 4pm to 6pm (Mon- Sat)
Home Health Care Service: Geriatric Specialist Consultation for Bed ridden patients with Mobilization difficulties. .
Palliative care service: symptom-based treatment for individuals with cancer, dementia, and other terminal illnesses.
Online Tele Consultation service: Get doctor's help through Tele medicine. (For Follow up Patients only)
Diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia management
Memory clinic
Contact us
9496 000 295
For Appointments and Enquiries
About us
Senior Citizens Clinic is a Geriatric specialist facility founded in 2020 at Morkulangara, Changanassery, Kerala, that provides complete Geriatric care.
It is led by Dr. Aswin Rajeev, who is a Geriatric Specialist passionate in caring elderly patients
Is Tele consultation effective as normal doctor consultation?
No. It has its limitations since doctor makes diagnosis from history alone and is not able to examine the patient.
Who will be benefited from this service?
Elderly patients or their carers who like to get a Geriatricians input on management of disease condition or need clarifications in medication use like schedule ,dosing, opinion on continuation of certain medications etc.