Elder care Physician in Thiruvalla- Geriatric specialist, Home visits, Palliative care
Geriatric Specialty Center in Changanacherry & Thiruvalla
Geriatric Medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the treatment of health problems in the elderly.
Caring for older patients necessitates a thorough approach due to the complexity of their problems, which are frequently multifaceted.
In such cases, an expert Geriatric physician's care is required to resolve the issues and maintain health.
Senior Citizens Clinic is a Geriatric Physician led facility which provides comprehensive care for management of health problems affecting elderly patients.
Contact Us- 9496 000 295
For Appointments and Enquiries
Comprehensive Care Services for Elderly Health
Geriatric physician: Out patient Clinic for Elderly carem Timing: 4pm to 6pm (Mon- Sat)
Home Health Care Service: Geriatric Specialist Consultation for Bed ridden patients with Mobilization difficulties. .
Palliative care service: symptom-based treatment for individuals with cancer, dementia, and other terminal illnesses.
Online Tele Consultation service: Get doctor's help through Tele medicine. (For Follow up Patients only)
Diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia management
Memory clinic
About us
Senior Citizens Clinic is a Geriatric specialist facility founded in 2020 at Morkulangara, Changanassery, Kerala, that provides complete Geriatric care.
It is led by Dr. Aswin Rajeev, who is a Geriatric Specialist passionate in caring elderly patients.
How to make use of this service?
You can book appointment for Geriatric physician consultation at our clinic in Changanacherry (daily) or request for a Home visit (weekly once), if you have mobilization difficulties.
When to consult a Geriatrician?
Geriatrician is a physician specialized in caring complicated old age problems. When ailments associated with old age affect the quality of life or impairs your function, you get a geriatrician opinion to preserve/ improve function.
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